Secret Recipe

The little baby, drenched and soaked for 9 months, finally experienced the first ray of light, painfully penetrating her eyes. Lying back on the bed, the poignant mother gave a chuckle of delight as the baby’s cry broke the silence. From that moment, parents had been given a qalam, to chart and to draw on what is said to be a white canvas – to shape the journey of their new-born. Hoping that one day, their child would not turn out to be drug-pushers, mat rempits, bohsias/bohjans or teenagers contemplating for sex change. Neither did they wish them to join the invincible queue of suicide bombers or the next reincarnation of Ayah Pin. Concerned with this disturbing trend, parents seek for divine intervention, through this custom we often refer as Potong Jambul.
Potong means cut and jambul, is fringe, the front part of your hair (if you have one). Yes, it’s merely a hair-cutting session. Or is it? The bewildered, nervous baby kept quite as the imam (religious teacher) recited verses from the Koran, and gently he bent over and blew lightly in her ears. Here’s the recipe to nurture good blissful children.
1 healthy baby girl/boy (preferably with fully grown hair)
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1 pieces of kurma (dried dates)
3 pieces of kismis (dried grapes)
1/4 cup of zam zam water (“holy” water sourced from Makkah)
1 pair of scissors
Gold ring (for baby girl)
Silver ring (for baby boy)
1. Dip your finger in the zam zam water, and wipe the baby’s lips. Dab your moistened finger on the salt and sugar and gently wipe on the baby’s lips.
(What the parents hope for: The baby to speak fluently, truthfully and will only utter words which will not be hurtful to anyone)
2. Shred a small piece of kurma and kismis gently put them one at a time in the baby’s mouth. DO NOT put the entire kurma and kismis all at one go as you may choke the poor baby to death. Once the chewing activity stops, drip the zam zam water into the baby’s mouth with your fingers.
(What the parents hope for: Intelligence and admirable wit to be bestowed on the baby)
3. Then, take the gold/silver ring and wipe it over the baby’s lips.
(What the parents hope for: Good fortune & will not turn to Ah Long during financial difficulties)
4. Cut a bit of the baby’s hair.
(What the parents hope for: The next Brad Pitt perhaps?)
5. And finally, cuddle the baby in your arms and walk slowly circling the crowd with the selawat for 3 rounds, while everyone taking turn to wipe the baby’s face with their right hand.
(What the parents hope for: Not switch the channel every time the azan is on TV)
6. Return the baby to their rightful owner/ parents.
Off the baby goes on a journey where one’s heart desires.
At 10:02 PM,
Miss Pinkytass said…
Insightful. Honestly, I never knew how it worked until today. =)
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