Ku Ambil Rumput di Padang

Ku ambil rumput di padang
Ku jadikan penyamaran
Rupa cantik bertukar menjadi syaitan
Agar sukar dikesan
Bergerak bertempur
RMC pantang undur
Walaupun peluru datang bertabur
Cukup dengan batang cangkul
This used to be the cheering song back in my school days, instilling fear into the eyes of the enemy. Especially during rugby or hockey matches. The supporters were at war as much the men on the field, locking ourselves together by the arms and stomping our feet to the drum beat.
The song, though of unknown origin, delivers a clear message - smear your face with mud and scare the heck of your opponent.
At 2:19 AM,
Aku said…
Hi Ijoe,
You should write more. You have a flair for writing...
At 12:17 AM,
Ijoe said…
hey hanim, thanks for the vote of confidence. Will pen down my tots more often.
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